- Teachable Moments
- J.O.Y.
- Break
- Family/Community Interview
- Power of Relationship
-there are social things that will happen unexpected/expectedly and you must be able to guide youth through what is happening or has happened; educate, be clear, and chronological about the situation
Ways to Approach/Talk about it with Youth concerning Big Social Events:
- What do you already know/to what extent (write it down)
- What questions do you have (write it down)
- How do you feel about it (write it down)
- Express that opinions are not wrong
- Be careful how you handle it (youth may have family working for the company or associated with someone concerning the subject- ex. youth's mom may work for Bart Police etc.)
- Youth may act out because of what they've seen
- As Instructor/Educator CANNOT take sides, RESIST your own opinion, and RESIST bias
Topics that you can elaborate on based on the situation (Grant Verdict/Case):
- Types of Protest (it can turn to violence)
- Violence Protection
- Consequences of Violence
- What is Safety?
- Police/Community Relations/History
- How to Console
- How do the Police feel?
- Justice/Injustice (meanings, difference)
- Literature in their age group concerning the social event (ex. Monster by Walter Meyer)
Building Relationships with Youth:
-Effective Youth Programs is the base of building relationships
-Youth Developers have powerful influences on youth
-Understand individual student needs and get to know them
CalSac Key Concepts (from Mr. Brack's site)
- High quality programs foster positive youth/adult relationships
- Interactions with adults strongly influence youth views
- Youth workers need to understand youth needs and provide guidance
Supportive Environments
- Youth feel safe being themselves
- Youth can express themselves freely
- Staff ASK youth about their feelings
- Staff LISTEN to youth
- Staff FACILITATE OPEN DISCUSSION= youth discover solutions to their own problems
- J.O.Y= J: Write something that Just happened to you (in recent past); O; Write something Oh so special you want to do for yourself; Y: Write something that makes You special
- 5 Things in Common= start off in pairs and find 5 things you have in common, then group with another pair, then the four find 5 things in common collectively... continue process until the whole class is together to find 10 things in common collectively (GOOD LUCK! ^_-)
Outcomes based the activities:
- working in groups
- movement= get to know people in different space
- foundation/common ground= common reference in comprehension
- community/shared space
- eye contact
- Family/Community Interview instruction will be given today (Wed, July 14) or tomorrow (Thur, July 15); either way it's due Thursday, July 22, 10
So since I'm out of town I will definitely need the info about the interview ASAP so I can email it in on time. Please and thank u