Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 7: Tuesday, July 6, 10

1. Learning Styles
2. Break
3. Profile Presentations (cont.)
4. Safety Reflection
5. Announcements

Learning Styles (based on):
1) How people relate/communicate…
2) How people learn… (by what means)
3) How people apply their learning…
4) What situation you’re in whether with adults or youth…
5) 4 Types (page 17 in Links to Learning book):
a. Sensing- Thinking (Master Learner)
b. Sensing-Feeling (Interpersonal Learner)
c. Intuitive-Thinking (Understanding Learner)
d. Intuitive-Feeling (Self-Expressive Learner)
6) People fall back on their original/comfort zoned way of learning

Activity: Learning Styles Groups- read through page 17 Four Learning Styles in the Links to Learning book and check/circle each specific detail that relates or represents you as a person/learner. Add up only the check marks in these sections: Prefers To Learn By, Learns Best From, and Likes. The "type" that has the most is what you'll identify with and join the specific group in discussion.

Discussion/Activity Questions:
A. What are the positives of this learning style?
B. What are the challenges of this learning styles?
C. What do you want the other learning styles to know?

Group Sharing: Each set of answers correspond with the question by LETTER.

ST- "Practice Makes Perfect"
A. step-by-step; clarity; physically engaged; drives create memorization and focus (on terminology)
B. Repetitiveness; routine
C. Know exactly what is expected of you; Practice

NF- "Think Outside of the Box"
A. Original; quick learner; attentive, pays attention, great listeners; creative, open; situation oriented; see "big picture"
B. Easily overwhelmed; hard to be flexible based on specific standards; routine; having enough resources
C. Originality; Patience; Variety; Time limits; Aware what draws students

NT- "Logical Processors"
A. How to do and why you're doing this; assist with independence; seek consensus; understand all learning
B. Time consuming; Lectures (hard to get youth to listen); Reading (do people 100% understand)
C. Take time to install/show personal interest in learning; showing others your interest to engage them; make sense

NF- "The Sensitives"
A. Advocate for self; role playing; Need feedback; Personal assessment in group settings; share
B. Not competitive; comfortable in not taking the next extended step; don't challenge; working alone; share
C. Share more on a personal level that connects with people; Feedback that is expressed well; stickers (^_^)

Different Types of Safety:

Profile Presentations (Cont):
~Allen Temple Baptist Church- High Rise Tutorial
~Y Scholars- YMCA Berkeley
~Beyond Emancipation


*DEFICIT- a program based on "something is wrong/negative with youth, we must fix this issue;" takes that one thing (ex. violence, teen pregnancy etc) and fix this one issue

*YOUTH DEVELOPMENT APPROACH- meets youth "where they are;" pick the positive outcomes and keeps working on that; approaching from multiple areas
~ deficit can happen in this area; having other resources within the program to focus on one thing
~ multiple things= multiple strategies= multiple outcomes
~ possible to build off the base of "deficit" and create a youth development approach around it
~ aka "comprehensive/holistic"

- Remaining PROFILE PRESENTATIONS will go at the beginning of class tomorrow (Wed, July 7)
- Reflection Papers 1 & 2 will be returned tomorrow in class (Wed, July 7)
- BLOG IS UPDATED: if you would like to contribute and become an author, please email Sweet Jefferson at sweet.njefferson@yahoo.com (You must be registered in the Youth Development Summer Class at Laney College LRNRE 20)

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